Monday, June 30, 2008

And Justice for all

Gianni Rossi has created some amazing gig posters including this one for Justice. I'm also trying to get hold of a Daft Punk one he's designed to add to my collection. [EDIT: IF you contact Gianni he is selling numbered and signed 50x70cm (Around A1) prints for 25 Euros each and 8 Euros p&p. I've ordered Daft Punk on white and the Justice one above.]
Also, whilst I'm on the subject of gig posters the aptly named has a great collection of errr... posters from gigs. They're not particularly hi-res but there are links to purchase some of them as prints and links to the designers website and email.

Daft Punk is playing at my house

I recently got this awesome print from the inspirational illustrator Yurievi Ledesma of popwhore to complete my living room shrine to Daft Punk. I now have the Daft Punk table, neon lights, interstella 555 toys, a small collection of robots and Daft Punk - Technologic (Digitalism's Highway to Paris Remix) blaring out at every given opportunity. The popwhore site is also a great blog listing music and cool graphics and if you like the designs you can order the prints from posterlounge.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hacksaw Lover

Sheeeeeee's a haaaaaaacksaw luuuuver, she'll get a hold on you believe it. I've already mentioned that I'm seeing the Presets tonight and whilst checking out the supporting Blah Blah Blah DJs I found this great track by Disco Trash Music: Hacksaw Lover rated as one of their top tunes. I hope they play it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Apolcalypso now

I meant to start this blog whilst I was travelling Australia, but I ended up being way too preoccupied with more out-door related activities and not bothering. So now I'm back working full-time what better way to procrastinate? And while I'm on the subject of our antipodean cousins; I'm off to see the Presets on Friday. Their new album Apocalypso (nothing to do with Mel Gibson's film or the ice lolly Calypso) was sent to me by my Australian mate Cayle this week and it's already one of my favourites of the year so far. Swirling 80s synths, haunting vocals and electro beats. Love it x

[EDIT: A live review of the Presets gig can be found here. It was truly one of the best gigs I've been to and the sound at Digital is so crisp and powerful thank frig it wasn't at the BarFly as originally intended. "Mid-set they dropped the formidable electro wizardry of Are You The One? The strobe flickered. The lasers swirled. And smoke from an overworked cannon choked us - but we just about survived the apocalypse." Dominic Smith - The Argus.]

Ready... Go.

Hello! Welcome to I am electro boy; a blog about nothing in particular. It will be mainly music orientated with the odd visual treat thrown in now and again...